Thursday 3 January 2008

Ultimate Shine

...for ultimate shine!

This shampoo bar does a wonderful job of cleaning the hair, and after using you should realise that people will start using your hair as a mirror. It's that good. Unfortunately it does tend to make the hair a bit knotty so you may want to use a good conditioner afterwards, and it also has a menthol scent about it which is not to my taste. The little golden sparkles are not even noticeable to those who are worried about that, so that could be a bonus or a disappointment depending on your view on glitter. Another downside is a rather harsh chemical used in this particular shampoo bar - Ammonium Lauryl Sulphate - as well as the dreaded SLS. Known as an ingredient used to make the hair shine in bog standard, chemical laden shampoos, I doubt it's those essential oils doing the magic and more of this.

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